Looks like Bollywood’s light-eyed hunk, Hrithik Roshan has some Hollywood bigwig fan following. The actor was recently visited by the King of Pop, Michael Jackson himself. Now, that’s some pleasant surprise for someone who’s a big time Jacko fan.
Grapevine has it that Hrithik couldn’t believe his eyes when the ‘Pop King’ walked into his caravan in Los Angeles, where he was stationed for the shooting of ‘Kites’, being directed by Anurag Basu.
Hrithik, who was busy decking up for the next shot stood aghast when Jacko walked in his royal style. A source close to the actor revealed, “Hrithik was in his make-up room when Michael’s two bodyguards entered. He was taken aback to see these burly men enter the room. On questioning them, he learnt that they were Michael’s body guards.”
Hrithik who is often seen following the jazzy Jacko moves for most of his dance sequences was shocked on learning the visitors name.
“Michael introduced himself to Hrithik. It was a funny scene to see someone like him, who the whole world knows introducing himself. The two spoke for a short time and then Michael left”, adds the source.
It is believed that the singer had come to do a recce, as he was to shoot in the same bungalow the following day.
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